The article analyzes modern research on the application of simulation games in the process of adult education, in particular in such areas as medicine, aviation, jurisprudence and pedagogy. The advantages of such training methods are noted, in particular, the development of practical skills in a safe environment. The article describes in detail the different types of simulations, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, role-playing and computer simulations, and provides examples of their successful use. In particular, the use of the Body Interact platform for the training of medical professionals, flight simulators for pilot training, and role-playing games in the simulation of court processes and the training of teaching staff are analyzed. It is noted that one of the key advantages of educational simulations is the opportunity to practice practical skills in a safe environment, which is especially relevant for professions that require a high level of responsibility. Also, simulations promote the development of critical thinking, decision-making and teamwork. The article emphasizes the importance of integrating simulation technologies into the educational process. The authors offer recommendations on the development of effective simulation scenarios, the selection of appropriate equipment, and the organization of the educational process. The authors reveal the potential of educational simulations to increase the effectiveness of adult learning and provide recommendations for the optimal integration of these technologies into the educational process.
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