Interactive technologies in the personal and professional development of a future teacher


interactive learning technologies, personal and professional formation of the future teacher, the learning process in higher education, functions of interactive learning technologies

How to Cite

Interactive technologies in the personal and professional development of a future teacher. (2025). Pedeutology, 2(2), 70-78.


The article analyzes interactive technologies of teaching in higher education in the context of the personal and professional development of future teachers: cooperative learning, interactive technologies of collective and group learning (collective discussion of the problem, brainstorming, “open marathon,” decision tree, “teaching-learning” methodology, etc.), technologies of discussion of debatable issues, business and role-playing games, trainings, master classes, project method, case method, coaching pedagogical KVK, etc. Their use ensures the effectiveness of the personal and professional development of the future teacher, as it contributes to the development of his creative potential, creates conditions for experimental research work, self-improvement, self-realization, self-affirmation, and self-educational activity, and the search for new ways and means of solving problems that arise in professional and pedagogical activity. Practice proves that interactive education stimulates cognitive activity and contributes to the formation of both subject competencies and general pedagogical ones: the development of critical thinking, the formation of self-confidence and a positive "I-concept," the development of independence and creativity, the development of communication skills, the formation of relevant life and professional competencies, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and effective interaction, and the improvement of success, which in turn ensures the successful formation of the future teacher as a professional and a person.



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