Self-education as a basis for professional training of a teacher of a higher education institution


self-education, professional self-education of a teacher, professional training, methods of self-education of a teacher, higher education institution

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Self-education as a basis for professional training of a teacher of a higher education institution. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(1), 49-53.


Self-education is an integral part of the professional training of a future specialist, and important criteria for a good teacher are a high level of knowledge, a broad outlook, rich life experience in solving pedagogical problems, and the skills that allow them to present complex material in an accessible way. The article reveals the essence of the concepts of «self-education» and «professional self-education», shows the versatility of the teacher's activity, and considers the modern requirements for professional training of teachers. The current situation of professional training of a specialist in a higher education institution can be characterized as a restructuring of consciousness and personal self-knowledge, the formation of a focus on successful professional activity, the search for new ways of self-realization and self-affirmation. In such conditions, the problem of teacher self-education as the basis of professional training becomes relevant, since it allows to form the traits and qualities that determine the implementation of successful professional activity, ensures the processes of socialization and professional development. The article describes the methods of self-education of a teacher, since a positive self-assessment, the ability to see and appreciate their advantages generally create the prospect of further professional and personal growth. It is noted that personal and professional growth directly depends on the processes of self-education and self-improvement, which allows the future teacher to be most effectively realized in their activities, ensuring their development and self-development, and promoting a creative approach to work. It is proved that the process of self-education in the process of professional training of a teacher of a higher education institution is extremely individual. Self-education begins with a person's self-awareness of themselves as individuals and their place in social activities, with an understanding of the norms and requirements of society, their own needs and capabilities, and a correct assessment of their actions.



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