- theoretical training, means, stage of preliminary training, rowers
Analysis of school physical education programs reveals that there is currently no real possibility to implement an important principle of the physical education system – to ensure a differentiated and individual approach to students considering their health status, physical development, and physical fitness. Existing programs do not take into account the specific psycho-functional state of students, especially those of older school age. Therefore, the level of motor skills development in most high school graduates does not meet the societal demands for the physical fitness of the younger generation.
Research Objective. To substantiate the effectiveness of using football tools to improve the physical development and functional state indicators of middle school children.
Material and Methods. Analysis and synthesis of literature sources on the research topic, pedagogical observations, methods for assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the external respiratory system, and methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. At the initial stage of the study, the baseline values of physical condition indicators of middle school boys in the study groups showed no statistically significant difference. Under the influence of football section activities, the final results of testing the functional state of the cardiovascular system corresponded to high and medium levels, while the functional state of the external respiratory system was classified as above average and average. It has been proven that the use of football tools in the physical education process of middle school boys significantly optimized the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the external respiratory system, as well as the physical condition of the surveyed students. The study results are recommended for practical use in the physical education system of school-aged children.
Conclusions. The use of football tools in optimizing the general physical condition of school-aged children is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the physical education process, highlighting the relevance and practical significance of the noted problem, which became the basis for our research
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