- track and field, combined events, training, microcycle, stage of direct preparation for competitions
One of the tendencies of the modern system of training of multyathletes, which is realised in the construction of shock microcycles, is a desire for the maximum use of both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the training process. Orientation to the maximum possible volume characteristics and intensity of training was characteristic of most systems of training of the strongest multyathletes in the 1980–90s. At present, this trend is being replaced by more effective approaches to all components of the training process. The reason for this is the realisation that heavy loads are effective only up to the point where the quality of the training process does not suffer and there is no risk of overwork.
The purpose of the article is to determine the orientation of training loads in shock microcycles in the training of qualified multyathletes.
Research material and methods. The research used the following methods of scientific research: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation; timing of training work; pulsometry; methods of mathematical statistics.
Track and field athletes (n=10) took part in the study. Qualified athletes are candidates for masters of sports; master of spotting Athletes are 18–30 years old.
Results of the research. This article deals with the question of the orientation of training loads in shock microcycles during the training of multyathletes. Correct alternation of such loads with rest creates favourable conditions for stimulation of adaptation processes in the organism of multyathletes. The article also presents a programme of a 7-day impact microcycle of qualified multyathletes at the stage of direct preparation for competitions.
Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that at the stage of direct preparation for competitions, qualified multyathletes apply a standard model of a 7-day impact microcycle, of which the 1st, 3rd and 6th days are trainings with a big load, the 2nd and 5th days – trainings with an average load of different orientation, the 4th and 7th days are devoted to active rest and restorative measures with loads of different orientation in different periods of preparation.
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