- structural units of the training process, playing roles, pulse restitution, recovery period, specific load
Football is characterized by specific features of training and competitive activities of athletes, which primarily include: a high volume of motor activity; constant changes in the intensity of motor activity during the game; the impact of various types of loads on players' bodies (aerobic, aerobic-anaerobic, anaerobic alactic, and anaerobic glycolytic); and a significant energy expenditure both during training and in the course of competitive activities.
The issue of rapid recovery of athletes' sports performance is crucial for optimizing managerial interventions during training sessions and throughout various types of microcycles.
Purpose of the study ‒ to conduct a retrospective analysis of publications that addressed the problem of recovery of sports performance in football players within specific structural units of the training process.
Materials and methods of the study. The scientific search was conducted based on a retrospective analysis of literary sources. Publications investigating the processes of prompt recovery of football players’ sports performance in specific structural units of the training process were analyzed.
Research results. It was found that the prompt recovery of football players' sports performance involves both the restoration of physical qualities after specific loads and pulse restitution after the active phase of motor activity. Almost complete recovery of football players' physical qualities after significant specific load occurs only after a 72-hour recovery period. Pulse restitution consists of three phases: rapid heart rate recovery (23,1‒29,09 %), slow heart rate recovery (8,1‒1,5 %), and heart rate stabilization phase (6,2‒9,5 %).
Conclusions. The prompt recovery of football players’ performance should be carried out taking into account the components of training load and the duration of the recovery process.
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