- football, physical qualities, speed-strength orientation, preparatory period, dynamics of indicators
Topicality. The optimal level of special physical fitness of qualified football players can be achieved through the rational organization of the training process, which ensures the balanced development of physical qualities and the functional state of the body. The purpose of the study is to determine the dynamics of indicators of special physical fitness of qualified football players in the preparatory period under the influence of a speed-strength training program using the circuit training method. Material and methods of research. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet data; pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment); methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 32 football players from amateur teams, aged 17 to 21 years with sports qualifications – 1 category. Research results. The implementation of the speed-strength training program took place during the preparatory period in the basic and control-preparatory mesocycles for 8 weeks. The means used in circuit training in terms of the magnitude of the load and their specificity corresponded to the current tasks of microcycles. The testing results indicate the high efficiency of the applied program and its positive impact on the level of special physical fitness of football players of the experimental group, which was reflected in a statistically significant improvement in the results of all tests. Conclusions. According to the indicators of special physical fitness of qualified football players of the EG, a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) was determined, which ranged from 5.06 % in the exercise “Driving the ball 30 meters” to 11.80 % in the exercise “Throwing the ball with two hands from behind the head”. Therefore, we can state the positive impact of the developed circuit training program.
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