Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 1 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Analysis of individual and psychological characteristics of football players in different playing positions

Serhii Voitenko
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-06-23


  • role, stress resistance, temperament, types of nervous system

How to Cite

Analysis of individual and psychological characteristics of football players in different playing positions. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 1, 76-86.


Topicality. The relevance of research on psychological preparation in football and the impact of stress on players cannot be overstated in the context of modern sports. Even with theoretical knowledge about stress and its effects, the practical implementation of this knowledge remains insufficient. The development of new training and coaching technologies could be crucial for improving the psychological preparation of footballers. It is also important to consider that stress can have both positive and negative effects on players. Optimizing the training process can help harness the positive aspects of stress to enhance the mobilization and performance of footballers. The purpose of the To determine the individual and psychological characteristics of football athletes in different playing positions. Research material and methods. Analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; surveying; psychodiagnostic testing of coaches and football players using methodologies; methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 43 football players aged 17 to 25 with varying levels of qualification, as well as 6 active football coaches. Research results and key. The research showed that temperament types influence the choice of playing positions in football. For example, forwards are predominantly sanguine and phlegmatic, defenders exhibit a more even distribution among various temperament types, midfielders are predominantly phlegmatic, and goalkeepers are primarily sanguine. Additionally, a variety of temperament types were found among players who have multiple playing positions, indicating their complexity and ability to adapt to different situations on the field. Football players in different playing positions have unique features of the nervous system, which must be taken into account when forming a team. Important components of stress resistance for football athletes, such as motivational, volitional, emotional and professional aspects, have been identified. The results showed diversity in the level of self-effectiveness and motivation across different playing positions, which should be taken into account when developing training programs and individual approaches to preparation. However, the stress resilience components of footballers by playing positions showed uniformity in group results.


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