Education of national and patriotic values – a priority task of the educational process 2024-12-19
- national-patriotic education, formation of patriotism, primary school students, general secondary education institution
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The article deals with the peculiarities of national-patriotic education of primary school students in general secondary education at the present stage. The necessity of an integrated approach to the main guidelines of education, i.e. the identification of the main values of education of students is substantiated. It is determined that the main goal of national-patriotic education of primary school students is the formation of a citizen, a patriot, an intellectually developed, morally mature personality, ready to resist the enemies of the Motherland and antisocial influences, able to solve personal problems, create themselves and the world around them. It is considered that the priority direction of primary school students' education in the national education system is patriotic education. The relevance of patriotic education of the younger generation is due to the process of formation of civil society and the formation of a united nation in Ukraine. In modern conditions, patriotism is becoming necessary for both citizens and the state, because a high level of patriotic feelings contributes to the harmonious development of the individual within the state and society as a whole. National and patriotic values (love for the native land, respect for cultural heritage, respect for history and state symbols, readiness to defend the country and awareness of responsibility for its future) unite people in a common desire for progress and prosperity of the state. The article notes that national-patriotic education of primary school students is based on the principles of universal, multicultural, civic values that ensure the physical, moral, spiritual, cultural development of the child, the education of a socially mature creative personality, a citizen of Ukraine and the world. National-patriotic education is aimed at preparing students for a conscious choice of life path, as well as at strengthening the family's responsibility for the education and upbringing of children. In this process, social and psychological support and guidance are provided, which are extremely important in the context of martial law. The article reveals the system of educational work of the Agronomichne Lyceum of the Agronomical Village Council of Vinnytsia District, Vinnytsia Region, which is based on the idea of life-creating pedagogy, which contributes to the formation and development of the personality of primary school students, creating a situation of success and self-realization of the child. The institution has created a public and educational space for raising children: education in an atmosphere of kindness and creativity, mutual assistance and mutual respect, which provides society with a model of value relations. Various activities involving primary school students are considered to ensure the vital activity of the lyceum and classroom social life.
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