No. 2 (2024)
Ukrainian preschool: synergy of domestic experience and foreign innovations

Formation of speech grammatical correctness in children of older preschool age using gamification
Kateryna Kolesnik
Liudmyla Ishchenko
Inna Karuk

Published 2024-12-19


  • speech competence, grammatical correctness of speech, gamification, didactic game, older preschool children

How to Cite

Formation of speech grammatical correctness in children of older preschool age using gamification. (2024). Innovations in Preschool and Primary Education, 2, 36-46.


The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of grammatical correctness of speech in older preschool children by means of gamification. A definitive analysis of the concepts «speech competence», «grammatical correctness of speech», «gamification», «didactic game» was carried out. Attention is drawn to the problems of the development of the grammatical structure of speech in children. The authors of the article clarified the content and tasks of grammatical competence in older preschool children by means of gamification, taking into account psychological and pedagogical work on the problem and creative pedagogical experience. It has been proven that the main tasks of forming the grammatical correctness of the speech of preschool children are: practical assimilation of the morphological system of the Ukrainian language by children; familiarization with word formation rules; mastering the syntax of the Ukrainian language. The requirements for conducting didactic games were analyzed. Examples of didactic games that can be used to involve older preschool children in classes and in everyday life are given. An experimental study is presented to identify the level of formation of grammatical correctness of speech in older preschoolers (group № 9 «Snow White and 7 Dwarfs» (32 childrens) of the Communal Institution «institution of preschool education 30») by means of gamification. During the experiment, it was found that only a small part of the children has a high level of grammatical correctness of speech. This confirms the relevance and importance of forming grammatical competence in older preschool children. It has been proven that the systematic use of didactic games based on speech contributes to deep and solid assimilation of language material, understanding of the grammatical structure of speech. This will undoubtedly ensure speech development in older preschoolers, their sense of language.


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