Use of innovative methods in the process of training future educators to form the foundations of preschoolers' financial and economic literacy 2024-12-19
- economic education, financial and economic literacy of preschoolers, future educators, innovative methods
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The article presents the ways of using innovative methods in the process of training future educators to form the foundations of financial and economic literacy of preschool children. The essence of the concepts of «economic education of preschool children», «economic education», «financial and economic literacy of preschool children» is defined from the point of view of research of both domestic and foreign scientists. It is determined that the implementation of economic education of preschool children requires proper professional training of future educators. The importance of applying innovative methods in the process of forming the basics of financial and economic literacy in preschoolers is characterised. The use of innovative methods as a means of forming the foundations of financial and economic literacy of preschoolers, in particular, economic games: role-playing, developmental and didactic, situational, strategy games; quizzes, creation of comics advertising products, use of technologies, is analysed. The study demonstrates the development of practical tasks by bachelor's degree students of innovative methods of teaching preschool children. The effectiveness of the proposed interactive methods for the formation of the basics of financial and economic literacy of preschoolers in the process of professional training of future educators is proved.
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