No. 38 (2024)
Modern media language

Linguistic strategies in media discourse: analysis and interpretation
Tetiana Tsepkalo
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-08-14


  • language strategies, media discourse, British English, analysis, interpretation, content analysis, discourse analysis, psycholinguistic analysis

How to Cite

Linguistic strategies in media discourse: analysis and interpretation. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: Philology (Linguistics), 38, 65-71.


The article analyses linguistic strategies in media discourse, focusing on the British national variant of the English language. Media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and influencing societal perceptions. Understanding the linguistic strategies employed in media discourse is essential for deciphering how narratives are constructed and how information is manipulated to impact audiences.

The primary purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the linguistic strategies used in British media to influence their audience. The objectives include a content analysis of media texts, identifying key linguistic strategies and techniques, revealing the impact of these strategies on the audience, and providing practical recommendations for studying media texts. Methods. This research employs content analysis, discourse analysis, and psycholinguistic analysis. Content analysis involves categorising different media texts (news articles, features, interviews) and examining their content. Discourse analysis focuses on the structure and content of the texts to identify how narratives are constructed and which linguistic techniques are used to influence the audience. Psycholinguistic analysis examines the psychological impact of these linguistic strategies on the audience's perception of information. Results. The analysis reveals significant differences in linguistic strategies across various media sources, including newspapers, television, and online media. Key linguistic strategies include metaphors, epithets, rhetorical questions, and irony. These strategies are crucial in shaping narratives and influencing public perception. Additionally, the frequency and intensity of these strategies vary depending on the target audience and the specific goals of the media outlet. For instance, newspapers may employ more sophisticated and subtle language techniques, while online media often use more direct and engaging language to capture immediate attention. The study also highlights the dynamic nature of linguistic strategies, adapting to the evolving media landscape and audience preferences. Originality. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of linguistic strategies in British media, highlighting the specific techniques used to influence audiences. The originality lies in the detailed examination of different media formats and combining content analysis, discourse analysis, and psycholinguistic analysis to provide a holistic understanding of media influence. Conclusion. The study concludes that linguistic strategies are vital in media discourse, significantly impacting audience perception and shaping public opinion. The findings underscore the importance of critical analysis of media texts and provide valuable insights for media analysts, journalists, and linguists. Further research is recommended to explore the evolving nature of linguistic strategies in digital media and their implications for public discourse.


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