The Ukrainian-Moldovan borderland is a zone of active ethnic processes, the formation of variable ethno-cultural complexes at the regional and local levels. Ethnographic data accumulated in South-East Podillia at the beginning of the 21st century. became the basis for studying ethnic processes, the consequences of intercultural interaction in certain zones of the UkrainianMoldovan borderland, in particular in the Transdniester part. The area research should start with the history of formation of the population ethnic composition in the 19th century, as well as its dynamics, and identification of bearers of various historical and cultural traditions. This primary task has been partially solved in this article. Research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, systematicity, a combination of general scientific and special historical, statistical, problemchronological, comparative and analytical methods. The aim of the article is to study the ethnic composition of the population of the Transdniester part of the Balta district of the Podillya province on the grounds of analysis of the Podillia diocesan historical and statistical committee data. The scientific novelty resides in a detailed study of the number and ratio of representatives of different nationalities. In our research we have revealed consequences of intercultural communications in ethnocultural processes at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Conclusions. The ethnic composition of the population of the Balta district in the Transdniester border zone with Moldova has been clarified. The ratio of Ukrainians, Moldovans, Poles and Jews has been established. The elements of acculturation and assimilation have been identified and the dynamics of their identities has been traced.
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