The purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of the available works of Ukrainian scientists on the studied issues by thematic blocks for a more detailed coverage of individual aspects and regular processes of Ukrainian-Polish cultural cooperation. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods, such as systematization, generalization, analysis and synthesis, and special scientific methods, in particular, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, hermeneutic, as well as the principles of historicism, objectivity, and scientificity. The scientific novelty lies in highlighting the patterns of the formation of the national historiographical opinion on Ukrainian-Polish relations, taking into account the European integration processes in both states, which undoubtedly influenced the construction of interstate cultural relations. However, these aspects are not sufficiently represented in the writings of modern Ukrainian historians, which reveals the prerequisites for a more detailed study of the outlined issues. Conclusions. Modern European integration processes, conditions of rapid globalization and the common historical path of development of Ukraine and Poland contribute to increasing the relevance of the subject of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation among historical studies. The perspective of these studies directly affects the growth of scientific interest among Ukrainian historians in the analysis of certain aspects of the interaction between Ukraine and Poland at the current stage, which we can observe by analyzing the relevant array of works in historiography. The authors often lean towards a thematic approach and analysis of individual components of cultural interaction of both states, presenting concrete examples of manifestations and characteristic features of inter-ethnic dialogue. The available number of relevant works allows for comprehensive studies of the strategy and retrospective and dynamics of Ukrainian-Polish relations during the last decades. However, the lack of works that reveal mutual influences and interdependencies between European integration and the cultural dialogue of Ukraine and Poland represents a significant potential for scientific development in this field in the future.
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