DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-14-17


  • ОLENA ANTONYUK graduate student of the Department of Banking, Odessa National Economic University St. Preobrazhenska, 8, Odesa


coaching technologies, pedagogical coaching, coaching, coaching competence


The purpose of the article is to introduce and analyze coaching as a concept of a teaching method  in the modern education process. Nowadays the use of innovative technologies is an emerging issue as our future is marked by a significant degree of uncertainty. It requires some improvement of deductive teaching strategies across educational institutions. And this in its turn would enable to encourage a new level of engagement and motivation, leading to an enhanced experience for attendees; self development that brings them to the top most category of highly competent, professional employees. Coaching provides, with other soft skills alongside, a sense of responsibility for academic performance  and work activity.

The coach does not act as a subject expert, but rather is focused on facilitating efforts of the attendee to unlock their own potential.  After all, a coach is not necessarily a designated individual: anyone could take this approach with others. This insight helps individuals to improve their performance by distracting them from their inner dialogue and the critical voice in particular. The study reviews aims, content and style of teacher-to-student interaction in terms of the improving educational system in Ukraine. Thus, the role of teacher as a social agent is being reshaped and, obviously, expects key competences revision. Considerable attention is paid to coaching techniques as a new way to teach subjects; opening up still scope for enhancement. Benefits of the metod entail that it has performed well in business consulting so far and is notably gaining traction in education.

This paper has clearly shown that the offered method can be introduced as a tool to keep internal qualities of teachers and students on the right track for success and as a reliable linkage of all parts of the system.

Key words: coaching technologies, pedagogical coaching, coaching, coaching competence.


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