DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-49-54


  • VASYL KAPLINSKYI Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professorVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical University
  • VALENTYNA FRYTSIUK Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professorVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical University


pedagogy of creativity, competence, creative potential, creativity, problematic content, innovativeness, creative nature of the manual


The article analyzes the content and features of the study of the educational discipline "Pedagogy of creativity", the purpose of which is the formation of students' theoretical knowledge, practical abilities, skills and competencies that ensure the formation of a creative personality, the development and self-development of creative abilities in the process of education and training, the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the manifestation of the individual's creativity in socially useful and individually significant types of life activities. The objectives of the discipline are revealed, which consists in students' assimilation of key points and problems of modern pedagogy of creativity, learning of laws and regularities of pedagogy of creativity as a field of pedagogical knowledge about the creative development of the individual, acquiring the ability to diagnose creativity, analyze the results obtained, and create conditions for the creative self-development of the teacher's personality. The content of two sections of the educational discipline is specified: "General foundations of creativity pedagogy" and "Formation and development of creative personality".

Attention is focused on the fact that the pedagogy of creativity is not only a humanitarian discipline, but also a personal one. Therefore, when forming the content and methods of its study, it is important to move away from established stereotypes and templates, declarativeness, excessive schematism and descriptiveness. Their priority should not be the content of as much information as possible, but the opportunity to motivate, develop pedagogical abilities, intelligence and experience of creative activity, which is a leading component of education. The peculiarity of the discipline is the filling of the topics defined by the program with vital content, orientation towards its qualitative characteristics, content that would excite, encourage reflection, introspection. Therefore, educational classes in this discipline are not only a form of organization of education, but also a way of helping the students in their personal and professional development.


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