DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-54-61


  • HALYNA HALYNA KIT Candidate of рedagogical sciences(Ph. D), associate professor of pedagogy, vocational education and management of educational institutions Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


professional growth of the teacher, primary school teachers, centers of professional development, educational environment, forms of methodological work.


The article reveals the organizational and pedagogical foundations of the professional growth of a primary school teacher in the process of his professional activity. Attention is focused on the versatility of the profession of a primary school teacher, which causes high requirements for his professional qualifications. The teacher, in order to maintain a high level of professionalism, needs to constantly improve himself, to grow professionally. It is emphasized that the high level of academic achievements of the future teacher while studying at an educational institution is not always the guarantor of his success in professional activities. The educational and professional qualifications of a pedagogical worker are not identical, which requires further work on themselves.

It is noted that professional growth throughout life consists of three main stages: formal education; the beginning of professional activity as the entry of an employee into the profession; continuous professional development. The creative professional activity of the teacher is activated in the process of certification, internship, certification. The directions of professional growth of primary school teachers are determined. The role of the centers of professional development of pedagogical workers, their tasks, functions, features of activities to create an educational environment is shown. Examples of activation of educational institutions in the direction of professional development of pedagogical workers are given: introduction of a pedagogical-centric model of advanced training due to the practice-oriented component of its implementation at the Institute of Postgraduate Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University; functioning of the educational hub of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University «NotBox».

A wide range of forms of methodological work that can be used in the activities of professional development centers, in general in continuous pedagogical education in order to activate the creative potential of a practicing teacher who seeks self-improvement, is shown.


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