


professional standard, competence, teacher, requirements for professional training of teachers, Ukraine, Great Britain, Germany, France


The content and structure of the teacher's professional standards in Germany, Great Britain, France and Ukraine were analyzed. It has been found that in most countries the structure of teachers' professional standards usually contains the names of domains (blocks, spheres), according to which different types of competences and professional skills are differentiated. The following domains are most often distinguished: educational (subject) competences; consideration of individual characteristics and psychological and pedagogical support of students; planning of educational activities; creation of a healthy, safe and developing educational environment; use of innovative (digital) educational technologies and didactic tools; control and evaluation of training results, provision of feedback; educational communication (relationship with students); partnership, teamwork (relations with the administration, colleagues, parents, the public); professional reflection and self-improvement; observance of norms of professional ethics, professional responsibility. Most of the domains concern educational activities, interpersonal relationships, the formation of a comfortable educational environment, professional ethics and professional self-improvement of the teacher. When formulating the content components of the standards, short definitions are mostly used that correspond to B. Bloom's taxonomy. Particular importance is attached to such components of the teacher's professional competences as: a) professional knowledge, abilities and skills; b) experience and professional achievements; c) value system; d) critical attitude to one's own activity (reflection). It was found that, despite certain differences, the professional standards of teachers in Great Britain, Germany, France and Ukraine correspond to the recommendations of the European Commission regarding the professional competence of teachers. Standardization of teacher education is at the center of educational reforms of European countries, each of which responds in a similar way to new challenges by introducing a single list of professional competencies to ensure continuous training of qualified teachers.

Author Biographies


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Ostrozsky St. 32, Vinnytsia


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages with Latin and Medical Terminology Course, Vinnytsia National Medical University named after Mykola Ivanovych Pirogov

Pirohova St. 56, Vinnytsia


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages with Latin and Medical Terminology Course, Vinnytsia National Medical University named after Mykola Ivanovych Pirogov

Pirohova St. 56, Vinnytsia


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