DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-122-127


  • MARYNA KONONOVA Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
  • BOHDAN KONONOV Teacher, Poltava State Medical University


Key words: addiction, addictive behavior, post-drug addicts, psychological readaptation, group deep psychocorrection.


The article is devoted to the in – depth analysis of the role of group deep psychocorrection in the psychological readaptation of post – drug addicts. The paper analyzes a number of psychological studies on drug addiction and addictive behavior, based on which several provisions are established: addictive manifestations are preceded by psychological readiness to use psychotropic substances and prolonged social maladaptation; chemical abuse has a protective and adaptive function; the main forms of psychological protection are denial, regression and compensation, a drug addict's own experience is distorted or completely ignored, and the personality structure becomes rigid; from the point of view of the psychoanalytic approach, the determinants of dependence formation are more often broken parent-child relations; components of the psychological mechanism of dependence formation are euphoria, withdrawal, relapse, which indicates a system of changes at both physiological and psychological levels; psychological protections not only contribute to the distortion of reality for the subject, but also mask this process from his consciousness; the specificity of individual-unique distortions depends on the individuality of a particular subject, the nature of his personal issues, internal contradictions and ways of idealizing the "I". It has been shown that drug use can be a "paradoxical" form of adaptation to the social environment, a form of protection from life's problems, a means of overcoming stress, fatigue, and so on. Addictive behavior is a fixed psychological mechanism, a reaction to unresolved internal conflict. The author interpreted the concept of "socio-psychological readaptation" as the final stage of the process of socio-psychological rehabilitation, purposeful process of forming a new system of significant relationships with the needs of society, disrupted by traumatic effects, as well as the realization of intrapersonal capabilities of the readaptant in specific conditions. The key idea of the study was to reveal the essence and search for practical solutions of deep group psychocorrection in the context of psychological readaptation.



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