Creative potential of future social workers: formation in the dual form of education


creative potential, creativity, competence, practical research, social workers, dual form of education

How to Cite

Creative potential of future social workers: formation in the dual form of education. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(2), 25-32.


The development of the national social sector, its progressive ideas are largely ensured not only by professionalism, but also by the creative activity of social workers in the performance of professional functions and the realisation of social expectations of the society. The content of creativity in the implementation of social work technologies is revealed in the following qualities of a specialist: creativity, the ability to successfully combine valid, time-tested and experienced effective ways of working with non-traditional methods of work. The latter are formed only under the influence of effective organisation of the practical component of the educational process. The article analyses the possibilities of developing the creative potential of social workers through the organisation of practical research as part of course and qualification work, as well as during project activities. Attention is focused on the extent to which student research based on real-life practical situations can contribute to the development of creativity and professional competence. The authors note that creativity and practical research are unknown structures and require a tolerant attitude to uncertainty. It is noted that uncertainty can be overcome by taking into account the conditions: the problem and obstacles to its solution are determined by clear criteria obtained through empirical research; when conducting student research in the framework of dual education, attention should be paid to certain conditions that provide students with a reliable basis. It is stated that the possibility of acquiring the creative potential of a specialist and providing simple research tools and strategies is possible through expanding students' practical capabilities and supervisory support for research projects with elements of reflection and feedback from the teacher.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Roman Gurevych, Nadiia Opushko


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