The modern teacher of the institution of higher education: challenges and innovations


modern teacher, higher education, challenges, innovations, technologies, globalisation, training, competition, scientific activity, mental health of students, administrative workload

How to Cite

The modern teacher of the institution of higher education: challenges and innovations. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(1), 44-48.


In the 21st century, higher education is undergoing significant changes, and teachers are becoming key figures in this process. For a modern teacher, it is not enough to be able to adapt to the challenges of globalisation, technological progress, the development of intercultural communication and the development of critical thinking among higher education students, but it is necessary to anticipate all challenges in advance and become the initiator of changes in the educational environment. This article examines the role of the teacher in the 21st century and the need to implement innovative approaches to ensure quality education. This article is devoted to the analysis of the challenges faced by teachers in higher education institutions, as well as to the study of innovative approaches that can be used to effectively address these challenges. Through the study of concepts such as technological progress, globalisation, changes in approaches to learning, inclusiveness, competition, scientific activity, mental health of higher education students and administrative burdens, because all of these directions affect the professional activity of teachers in the modern educational environment. Undoubtedly, the teacher of a higher education institution is influenced by technological progress, namely, the integration of modern technologies into the educational process, associated with changes in approaches to learning and assessment. In addition, the teacher has to focus on the competitive environment in higher education, strategies for filling groups and retaining students. At the same time, not forgetting about scientific activity and combining it with the educational process. In the article, the figure of a modern teacher of higher education in the 21st century is considered through the prism of changes in pedagogical approaches, challenges that contribute to innovations and technologies, which, in turn, help to improve the educational process in a modern institution of higher education.



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