Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 1 (2024)
Physical culture, physical education of different population groups

Optimization of physical training of middle class students based on the application of training tasks in physical education lessons under the variable module "Tourism"

Nataliia Svirshchuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Olesia Kalinska
Radisnenska secondary school of I-III degrees of the Shchybory village council of Khmelnytskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region

Published 2024-06-23


  • middle school age, physical fitness, physical qualities, specific means

How to Cite

Optimization of physical training of middle class students based on the application of training tasks in physical education lessons under the variable module "Tourism". (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 1, 19-34.


Topicality. Today, the main requirements for general secondary education institutions regarding the organization of the educational process in physical culture are the use of modern means and training methods. Conducting our research complements and structures knowledge about the possibility of increasing the level of physical fitness of middle school students in lessons on the variable module "Tourism".

The purpose of the work is to develop training tasks aimed at the development of physical qualities in 5th grade students and to experimentally determine the effectiveness of their application in physical education lessons according to the variable module "Tourism".

Research material and methods. 71 5th grade students participated in the study. The duration of the experiment was 8 weeks, during which time 20 lessons of physical education were conducted according to the corresponding variation module. Lessons were held according to the educational schedule 2-3 times a week. To determine indicators of physical fitness, standard tests were used, such as: running for 30 m from a standing position, long jump from a standing position, flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position, the Flamingo test, a shuttle run of 4x9 m, as well as a combined exercise – an obstacle course.

Research results. The results of repeated testing showed a statistically significant difference in the indicators of coordination and strength abilities between the experimental and control groups. At the same time, in the results of tests characterizing speed, a greater increase in results was determined in the control group, and in terms of the development of speed and strength abilities, the increase in results was almost unchanged.

Conclusions. It has been experimentally proven that the use of training tasks in the lessons of the variable module "Tourism" enabled the students of the experimental group to improve their results in all control exercises.


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