- field hockey, theory of sports training periodization, structural components of the training process, microcycles, training load intensity coefficient
According to the theory of sports training periodization, microcycles are among the most significant structural components of an athlete's training process. Preparatory microcycles are characterized by specific features, necessitating separate scientific investigation.
The purpose of the study. To develop the structure and content of preparatory microcycles of varying durations for the training process of highly qualified field hockey players.
Materials and methods of the study. The study involved highly qualified field hockey players, members of the national team of Ukraine (n=23). The players' sports qualification was "Master of Sports of Ukraine." The research was conducted using methods such as theoretical analysis of literature, pedagogical observation, monitoring of training work, and heart rate monitoring.
Results. A structure and content for preparatory microcycles of varying durations were developed. The components of the structure and content include: elements of training work; workload volume; workload focus; training means (non-specific and specific); types of training work – general physical training (GPT), specialized physical training (SPT), technical and tactical training (TTT), gameplay training (GPT), competitive activity (CA); training duration; workload volume (LV); training load intensity coefficient (TLIC); time allocated for recovery and theoretical training; training days; morning (MT) and evening (ET) sessions; duration and intensity of exercises.
Conclusions. When building water microcycles, it is important to follow a rational sequence of various training classes, taking into account the types of intensity coefficient of the training load ( ). In particular, The intensity coefficient of the training load ( ) is: for developmental training is 4,4–8,5 points•min⁻¹; for maintenance training 4,4–4,8 points•min⁻¹, for restorative and maintenance training – 3,8 and less point•min⁻¹.Competitive activity within the microcycle leading is conducted with – 9,5 and more points•min⁻¹.
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