Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 4 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Increasing the physical fitness of greco-roman style wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training

Bohuslavska Victoria
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi
Girka Vitaliy
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi
Polyak Vadim
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

Published 2024-12-26


  • fitness program, physical qualities, Greco-Roman wrestling

How to Cite

Increasing the physical fitness of greco-roman style wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 4, 41-50.


Topicality. The physical fitness of wrestlers is one of the most important components of the structure of their fitness, ensuring the achievement of high sports results, along with functional, psychological, technical-tactical and moral-volitional fitness. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of increasing the physical fitness of Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training. Material and methods of the study. The following methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. 20 Greco-Roman wrestlers participated in the study: 10 – control group (CG); 10 – experimental group (EG). Age of athletes – 16-17 years. Results of the study. In the modern sport of Greco-Roman wrestling, physical fitness is one of the key components that determine the effectiveness of performing technical and tactical actions and the wrestler’s ability to withstand intense loads for a long time. The stage of specialized basic training of Greco-Roman wrestlers is an important stage in the system of sports training, which lays the foundation for further professionalization and achievement of high sports results. Fitness technologies, such as functional training, exercises using non-standard equipment (medballs, kettlebells, loop simulators), as well as specialized programs for the development of coordination and balance, can significantly increase the effectiveness of the training process. Studies have demonstrated the complex impact of fitness programs on the development of strength, endurance, coordination and injury prevention. Many studies emphasize that the use of functional training with weights, simulators and expanders allows you to effectively increase explosive power and muscular endurance. Conclusions. The developed experimental program significantly improved the general and specific physical fitness indicators of the wrestlers in the experimental group. The program’s effectiveness is confirmed by the substantial advantages demonstrated by the experimental group compared to the control group.


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