Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 4 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Programming of impact microcycles in the basic mesocycles of the training process of highly qualified field hockey players

Kostiukevych Viktor
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

Published 2024-12-26


  • field hockey, annual training cycle, load focus, training load components, programming methods, physical abilities

How to Cite

Programming of impact microcycles in the basic mesocycles of the training process of highly qualified field hockey players. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 4, 95-109.


Topicality. The microcycle is one of the primary structural units of an athlete’s training process. A distinctive feature of constructing intensive microcycles lies in the predominant use of developmental training sessions, which facilitate athletes’ adaptive processes to training and competitive loads. Building intensive microcycles using programming methods is appropriate, as programming ensures an organized structure of the training process aligned with the target objectives of athlete preparation.

The purpose of the study is to develop methodological approaches for programming intensive microcycles within the basic mesocycle for the preparation of highly qualified field hockey players.

Material and methods of the study. The study was conducted during the preparatory phase of the annual training cycle for the 2023-2024 sports season. Participants included 23 players from Ukraine’s national field hockey team, all of whom hold the title of Master of Sports of Ukraine. The average age of the athletes was 25.3±5.14 years. Research methods included theoretical analysis of sources and literature, pedagogical observation, monitoring of training activities, heart rate monitoring, and methods of mathematical statistics.

Results of the study. The predominant focus of training sessions within the weekly intensive microcycle aimed at improving players’ physical qualities was identified: days 1 and 3 – speed and coordination abilities; day 2 – speed-strength and coordination abilities; days 4 and 5 – speed (special) endurance and flexibility; day 6 – general endurance, strength qualities and flexibility; day 7 – rest. A seven-day intensive microcycle program was developed based on the following criteria: physiological and pedagogical focus, training duration (TD, minutes), load volume coefficient (LVC, points), training load intensity coefficient (KI tr.e., points·min⁻¹), energy expenditure (EE, kcal), and energy expenditure intensity coefficient (KI ex.e., kcal·min⁻¹).

Conclusions. The ratio of loads of different orientations in the shock microcycle of the basic mesocycle was established: aerobic – 40.5 %, mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) – 44.5 %, anaerobic alactate – 8.4 %, anaerobic glycolytic – 6.6 %.


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