
  • Vitaliy Ivchenko
  • Yuriy Lytvynenko
  • Vitalіy Kashuba



kinematic analysis, technique of motor actions, practical shooting, pistol, athletes, moving in "ski", "X-shaped" and "low" steps


Relevance of the research. Since ancient times, man's thirst for rivalry and selfdevelopment has given birth to various competitive disciplines. Practical shooting is a type of shooting sport that aims to organize, within the framework of sports competitions, shooting exercises that require the shooters to implement the techniques and methods of firing that most fully correspond to various cases of using firearms. In practical shooting, competitions are held for several types of firearms: "Pistol", "Rifle", "Carbine". The purpose of the article is to determine the angular indicators of biopairs of the musculoskeletal system at different moments of time while athletes who specialize in practical shooting with a pistol, using the "ski", "X-shaped" and "low" steps are moving. Research material and methods. 10 qualified athletes who specialize in practical pistol shooting took part in the research. Each athlete made 5 attempts using the "ski", "X-shaped" and "low" steps. It is important to note that there were no restrictions on the choice of the speed of movement of the athlete, the speed of execution of a series of shots during the attempts. Athletes were oriented to ensure that each shot was accurate in a series of shooting, with its execution in a minimum period of time, which actually largely determines the sports result in practical shooting. We conducted an experimental study in laboratory conditions using the opticalelectronic 3D system of registration and analysis of human movements "Qualisys". The results obtained in the research process were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics. Work results. The conducted biomechanical analysis revealed differences in the biomechanical structure of the technique of different ways of movement ("ski", "X- shaped" and "low" step) of athletes during shooting. Prospects for further research include the development of technology for the formation of the technique of moving athletes in practical shooting.

Author Biographies

  • Vitaliy Ivchenko

    Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України.вул. Фізкультури, 1, м.Київ, 03150, Україна

  • Yuriy Lytvynenko

    Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України.вул. Фізкультури, 1,
    м.Київ, 03150, Україна.

  • Vitalіy Kashuba

    Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України.вул. Фізкультури, 1, м.Київ, 03150, Україна.


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