Modern approaches to the organization of partnership interaction between primary school pupils 2024-06-10
- partnership pedagogy, partnership interaction, younger schoolchildren, Alpha generation
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The article touches upon the problem of organization of partnership between modern primary school students as representatives of the Alpha generation. Scientific works on the outlined problem are analyzed: the essence of the concept of «partner interaction» in the philosophical, psychological, sociological and pedagogical contexts; Guidelines for distinguishing between models of partnership and traditional interaction at school are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the problem of developing students' emotional and social intelligence as important factors of effective partnership.
It has been researched that the enrichment of emotional competence of schoolchildren contributes to the awareness and regulation of emotional states and behavior, the development of a sense of empathy and understanding of the world of other people, the formation of communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts, the reduction of aggressiveness and antisocial behavior. And also, that the school class is an important formal group where the child's socialization takes place through relationships with classmates, emotionally rich and activity-mediated contacts and connections.
To organize partnerships, it is necessary to select the most effective means, not forgetting that mutual understanding, mutual assistance, interdependence and complementarity are important in the student-student relationship. It is indicated that during the lessons it is advisable for the teacher to use role-playing games and special tasks that will contribute to mastering the techniques of interpersonal communication. Students gain experience of interaction in variable micro-groups and teams in the classroom, learn to recognize the contribution of others to joint work, the ability to adequately assess their abilities and capabilities, their contribution to joint activities related to the search for new information, the creation of research projects. Modern approaches and conditions for the organization of partnership interaction are outlined, specific examples are given.
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