No. 1 (2024)
Innovative approaches to training specialists in preschool and primary education

Modern pedagogical technologies for preparing future teachers for musical education of preschool children
Mykhailo Vatso
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-06-10


  • future caregivers, musical education of preschoolers, modern pedagogical technologies, project, portfolio, case

How to Cite

Modern pedagogical technologies for preparing future teachers for musical education of preschool children. (2024). Innovations in Preschool and Primary Education, 1, 77-84.


This article is dedicated to the study and analysis of current pedagogical technologies employed in the training of future educators for the musical education of preschool children. The author of the article focuses attention on the structure of the educational process in higher educational institutions specializing in the pedagogical preparation of future caregivers. The indicators of a future caregiver's readiness for professional activities are examined. The concept of «innovative pedagogical technology» is explored in the academic literature. An analysis of the positive and negative aspects of traditional teaching methods is conducted. The author explores modern approaches and methods aimed at preparing future caregivers for the musical education of preschool children. The article highlights the use of innovative technologies, such as programmed learning, multimedia technologies, and other forms of active interaction in the educational process. The research findings can be valuable for both pedagogical universities training future caregivers and practicing educators seeking to enhance their methodologies in the field of musical education for preschool children.


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