No. 36 (2023)
Modern media language

Imagery of journalistic speech in the regional press
Volodymyr Kalenych
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2023-06-21


  • regional media, mediatext, imagery, metaphor, metonymy, paraphrase

How to Cite

Imagery of journalistic speech in the regional press. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: Philology (Linguistics), 36, 84-91.


Introduction. Journalism as an original form of creativity focuses on searching effective expressive means for understanding and reflecting existence: not only to inform, but also to attract attention, evaluate, influence perception and consciousness, get the reader interested with a word or an original interpretation of certain realities. Mediastyle, responding to the changes in society, forms public opinion with the help of words and images, therefore there is a tendency to use emphatic language in the media alongside with conciseness of presentation, condensation of content. One of the features of journalistic speech is imagery as a way of representing certain concepts and phenomena through language images. They replicate the worldview of the author and the worldview of the audience. The entire arsenal of heterogeneous pictorial and expressive means is facilitated in media creativity.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the functioning peculiarities of the figurative means of speech in modern regional media texts (on the material of the publications of the newspaper «Vinnychchyna»).

Results. Analyzing the regional media discourse of the weekly «Vinnychchyna», we can observe a variety of figurative means. They express the stylistics and aesthetics of presentation in media texts, create an emotional color laconically and aptly, serve to decode the author's intention, which objectifies a special perception of the text and has a more effective impact on the reader's consciousness. Figurative newspaper headlines acquire certain pragmaticism: they are less informative, but attract attention, aim for a special attitude to publications, intrigue with their expressiveness, give an impetus to decoding the title of the publication after familiarizing with it. The imagery of these elements contributes to associative connections with the journalist's worldview on today's problems.

Originality. Visual and expressive means, their functional and stylistic parameters in media texts have already been analyzed on the basis of materials of various types of publications. The regional media content is sporadically localized by local researchers in their regional studios. Therefore, this segment of media linguistics, Vinnytsia in particular, remains to be a significant issue for scientific interpretation.

Conclusion. The language resources of journalistic creativity are diversified by imagery, which strengthens the expressiveness and informativeness of the text with the purpose of influencing the addressee, and actualizes the communicative and pragmatic intentions of the author. Metaphors, metonymies, synecdoches, personification, periphrasis and other figurative means can be found in the regional press, for example the newspaper «Vinnychchyna». They deepen the expression semantics, provide evaluative characteristics to events, persons, realities, condense stylistic connotations, which contributes to the preserving language resources in the regional media discourse.


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