Analysis of the monetary circulation in Sivershchyna in the 17th century according to new treasury sources
обкладинка випуску №. 50
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Solidus, orth, silver florin, thaler, levendaldher, treasure, Sivershchyna, Hetmanate, Zwolle, Kampen, Haldern, Utrecht

How to Cite

Кlyuyev A. (2024). Analysis of the monetary circulation in Sivershchyna in the 17th century according to new treasury sources. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 50, 17-21.


The purpose of the research was to attempt to analyze the monetary circulation of the Sivershchyna region in the 17th century according to the treasure sources through the prism of new treasure finds over the past 10 years. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the treasure complexes of the issuing countries, the denominations of the coins that were in the monetary circulation of the Sivershchyna region in the 17th century. The research methodology was based on the principles of scientificity, historicism, continuity of the written and treasure sources, comprehensive analysis of the treasure complexes. General scientific, general theoretical and special historical and numismatic research methods were also used, among them it is necessary to distinguish the following ones: analytical, comparative, logical, historical, complex, descriptive, synthetic, systematization. The scientific novelty consists in in the comprehensive study of the monetary circulation of the Sivershchyna region in the 17th century based on the treasure and written sources and the introduction of the new finds into the scientific circulation. Conclusion. Having analyzed and compared the coins of two recently discovered treasures, we can conclude that they make up the important material sources for studying the monetary circulation of the Sivershchyna region in the 17th century. The found complexes indicate that during the period coins of various denominations of European minting prevailed on the studied territory, from copper solidus, billon grosh, pivtorak, troyak, shostak, horta, florin to silver thaler. This indicates the intensity of the trade between the Hetmanate and the European countries. The analyzed treasures indicate the dominance of the European coins over Moscow ones in the monetary circulation of the Sivershchyna region in the second half of the 17th century.

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