The article is considered. normative and legal basis of functioning of children's correctional colonies, dynamics of their increase, conditions of functioning. In the post-war conditions of the growth of child waving, it became necessary to create specialized children's institutions, aimed not only at punishment and re-education of children and adolescents, but also to prevent their homelessness and neglect as important preconditions for crime. A special department - the Department for Combating Juvenile Homelessness, Uncheckedness and Crime (WBDBB) has been set up as a part of the NKVD of the USSR, and the labor colonies for juveniles and newly established children's educational colonies have passed to.
As of 1945, there were only two child labor colonies in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The boys were heading to Odessa, the girls to the city of Lviv. In 1946, a third child labor colony appears, but the total number of seats in them did not allow for the placement of all convicts for committing crimes. That’s why, more than 3,000 juvenile offenders were in jail and at checkpoints.
However, the essential shortcoming of the labor colonies was that they were intended only for minors under the age of 16, which were kept in their adulthood. Minors aged 16 to 18, sentenced to imprisonment, were subject to general detention. This practice existed until 1948.
Pupils who violated the rules of the internal order, applied the following penal sanctions: warning, reprimand, extraordinary clothes, transfer to a disciplinary (punitive) isolator. The colony's isolator was a special room, where violators of the regime were arrested and isolated from other pupils. However, sometimes, several people were assigned to the penal rooms and thus detached them from the healthy influence of the team and created an unhealthy one.