The purpose of the article is analyzed the activities of V. K. Gizycki as a governor of Volyn and describes the innovations introduced by him. The article also defines his managerial and personal qualities. The mutual relations between the supreme power and the local elite are described. The methodology of the research is based on universal research principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, systematicity, which allowed analyzing the main stages of life V. K. Gizycki depending on politics in Right-Bank Ukraine. Scientific novelty of the work is that determined that a governor as an imperial top-ranking office exercised not only his direct authorities, being at the head of the official bodies of power and also solved nation-wide problems as an integration this territory into the Russian Empire. It is described by the author an attempt to modernize an administrative Support office of Volyn civil governor, which was initiated by the governor for the increase of the level of management. The objectively social and professional description of a Volyn governor is created. Conclusions. V. K. Gizycki – the first Volyn governor of Polish descent was appointed for the improvement of mutual relations between the supreme power and the Polish gentry. A Military service and a management experience, which was obtained being appointed to the leader of nobility, were considered as advantages for the appointing. But the local elite did not cooperate with a governor, even Polish, so he can’t solved a lot of priority administrative tasks. The personal qualities of a governor made it worse, because there were large conflicts with vice-governors and the leader of nobility. It served as an occasion to a senatorial audit. Despite of some violations, Imperial Power positively evaluated that experience, because the Polish became the next governor of Volyn.
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