Reference and Information Activities of the Archives of Ukraine: Challenges of the Digital Society ( based on the State Archives of Vinnytsia region)
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archive, archival information resource, archive website, information and use of documents department, information products and services

How to Cite

Bozhuk, L., & Ilkova, O. (2022). Reference and Information Activities of the Archives of Ukraine: Challenges of the Digital Society ( based on the State Archives of Vinnytsia region). Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 41, 80-89.


The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of information activities of the information department and the use of documents of the State Archives of Vinnytsia region and its presentation in the socio-communication space of Ukraine. The authors characterize the concepts and components of reference and information activities in the archival sphere, analyze the archive website as a reference and information system, find out the specifics of reference and information activities of the information department and use of documents of the State Archives of Vinnytsia region. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, description, generalization) and special-historical (historical-typological, historical-systemic, monitoring method) methods with the principles of historicism, systematics, scientifically. The method of content analysis was also used to analyze the content of inquiries received from citizens to the State Archives of Vinnytsia region. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the specifics of the information activities of the information department and the use of documents of the state archives of Vinnytsia region, to clarify the prospects for the development of reference and information activities of the state archives of Ukraine. Conclusions. In today's digital society, archives are not only a place for physical storage of documents deposited in the activities of founding institutions, custodians of cultural and spiritual heritage of mankind, but also powerful information and communication systems that, using digital communication tools, shift the focus of representation and dissemination of archival information resources among a wide range of consumers. It is established that the state archive of Vinnytsia region has a functional site, where in the rubrics "information activities" and "reference apparatus" are published not only various reference publications, materials of documentary exhibitions, but also digital copies of the fund to provide remote access to socially significant retrospective documentary information. The information activities of the Department of Information and Use of Documents of the State Archives of Vinnytsia Region are currently presented at a decent level. Archivists take into account the interests of the general public and make every effort to realize the constitutional right of citizens to receive information. A promising area of work of the State Archives of Vinnytsia Region is the continuation of the creation of a digital fund for the use of documents.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Людмила Божук, Олена Ількова


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