The purpose of the article is to identify the informative potential of the records of local authorities to highlight the main stages of settlement and the difficulties encountered by migrants during the adaptation in the areas of Donetsk region. The methodology of the research is based on a combination of general scientific (synthetic, analytical, logical), special-historical (chronological, historical-comparative), source-based (critical analysis) methods. The scientific novelty of the work is that the author for the first time revealed the informative capabilities of records management documents at the local level in studying the mechanism of implementation of state tasks in the organization of reception and accommodation of Ukrainians from Zakerzon and Donetsk region in the postwar period by local authorities. Some of the documents analyzed by the author are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Conclusions. Local record management documentation has significant information potential in studying the degree of implementation of measures to organize the accommodation, the course of the settlement of resettlers in the Donetsk region and the difficulties of the adaptation period. It contains a lot of detailed information, rich in facts, names and statistics, which can significantly supplement the source base of further research. The record management documents of the district authorities, whose representatives contacted the resettlers during the inspections of the condition of the resettlers' households, together with the statement of facts, contain evaluative judgments and elements of emotionality. The documents of the district authorities, whose representatives contacted the resettlers during the inspections of the condition of the resettlement farms, together with the statement of facts, contain evaluative judgments and elements of emotionality. In record management materials at the region level, party and Soviet officials often criticized district workers for underestimating the political significance of the issue of resettlement and adaptation of resettlers. The ideological attitudes of the ruling top of the Communist Party had a significant influence on the formation of their assessments. Most of the decisions of the Regional Committee of the CP(b)U were adopted jointly with the executive committee of the regional council of workers' deputies.
ДАДО – Державний архів Донецької області.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History