NAAS Academician A. Babych and His School of Agrarian Studies (the End of the 20th – Beginning of the 21st Century)
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Academician A. O. Babych, Institute of Fodder, history of agricultural science, fodder production, scientific school, plant science, selection, рupils

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Buhta, G. (2023). NAAS Academician A. Babych and His School of Agrarian Studies (the End of the 20th – Beginning of the 21st Century). Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 45, 79-87.


The purpose of the research is to determine the conditions of establishment and functioning, contribution to science, scientific-technical and social progress of the achievements of the academician A.O. Babych's scientific school, as well as the place and role of its scientific activities during the time of Soviet agrarian policy and the period of agricultural reform in Ukraine. The study of individual aspects of the scientific school's activities in solving the problem of food shortage during the period of deep crisis in agricultural production of the country and the transition from extensive methods of the collective farm state system to market-based economic conditions has been conducted based on archival materials. The research methodology is based on the utilization and combination of key general scientific principles, historicism, objectivity, scientificity, historical-biographical analysis in conjunction with historical-systemic, biographical, chronological, descriptive, and statistical methods. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the in-depth study achievements of the scientific school of A.O. Babych and his followers in the field of selection, plant science, and fodder production in the context of socio-political changes, based on a combination with materials from interviews with the academician's students and his family. This approach has facilitated a comprehensive examination of the historical contribution of the scientific school as a successful creative collective in addressing issues of agricultural science. Conclusions. During the transformative changes in the agricultural sector and the resolution of scientific support issues in the selection and technological directions of Ukrainian agricultural production, a scientific school specializing in selection and technological support, as well as the development of agricultural science, was established by Academician A. O. Babych. The scientists of this scientific school conducted forward-looking research in selection, seed production of grain and forage crops, proposed concepts and methods in fodder production, made discoveries and inventions, and created numerous new varieties of fodder crops adapted to specific technological requirements. The technologies for their cultivation were refined and improved. These scientific developments not only enhanced the state of the fodder base but also ensured the production of high-quality and nutritious feeds. This played a significant role in the reformation of agricultural science in Ukraine and led to substantial scientific and production achievements.

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