The purpose of the article is to analyse the processes and methods used by the NKVD officers in the executions in 1937-1938. The author characterises the stages of execution by the NKVD officers in 1937-1938, using materials from archival and criminal cases, examines the peculiarities of the activities of the state security bodies, and reveals the consequences for the perpetrators after their mass executions. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, generalisation) and special historical (historical-systemic, historical-critical, problematic) methods with the application of the principles of historicism, scientificity and systematicity. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, using the materials of archival and criminal cases of NKVD officers, the author analyses the methods and procedures, circumstances, conditions of mass executions on the territory of Ukraine in 1937-1938, and reveals the impact of these methods on the psychological state of the Chekists. Conclusions. In 1937-1938, the NKVD carried out executions with extremely strict organisation and a clear division of responsibilities. The participants in the process had a specific task, but the common task was to keep the executions secret. The technology of execution was carefully regulated by NKVD Order No. 00447, which established the exact procedure for executions. Regulation, standardisation, secrecy, and the use of physical and moral violence are the main characteristics of the work of NKVD employees during mass executions. The NKVD officers involved in the execution process received special training, which included not only technical skills but also methods of psychological influence on the convicts. In general, the system of state security agencies was designed to maximise efficiency and minimise the risk of information leakage. Each stage of the execution was clearly defined: from the moment of arrest to the final execution. Executions were carried out in specially equipped rooms or in remote areas where maximum secrecy was ensured. Participation in such operations required not only technical skill, but also a high level of psychological stability.
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