Publications by P. Khavliuk on the history of crafts and technologies


archaeologist, Zarubyntsi archaeological culture, history of crafts and technologies, P. Khavliuk, archaeological site, Slavic peoples, Chernyakhiv archaeological culture

How to Cite

Kizlova, A. (2024). Publications by P. Khavliuk on the history of crafts and technologies. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 49, 91-102.


The aim of the article is to characterize P. Khavliuk’s scientific publications dedicated to the history of crafts and technologies in order to determine the main directions and key ideas of his research. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, as well as the comparative-historical method, have been applied. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time, P. Khavliuk’s publications dedicated to the history of crafts and technologies have been comprehensively characterized, the main directions of his research and key ideas regarding the development of ancient crafts have been identified. Conclusions. P. Khavliuk emerges as an archaeologist and historian who was not afraid to revise established theories and sought to comprehensively illuminate the history of ancient crafts and technologies, taking into account the results of his own archaeological surveys and excavations, primarily in the Southern Buh region, using a complex of research approaches, including experimental archaeology, comparative analysis, and integration of data from various scientific disciplines. The scientist’s attention was drawn not only to purely technological aspects but also to economic and social aspects of craft development. The main directions of P. Khavliuk’s research encompass pottery, metallurgy, millstone production, and jewellery making of various cultural groups and periods: Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv cultures, early Slavs, and Uliches. Key theoretical foundations of P. Khavliuk’s works include rethinking the role of local traditions in the development of crafts, particularly insisting on the independent development of Ulichian jewellery making. He also made an important contribution to understanding the evolution of millstone production technologies, ceramics, and metal items. Based on archaeological findings, the researcher drew conclusions about the level of craft development, production specialization, and trade connections, considering the development of crafts in a broad economic and social context. It is important to note the evolution of P. Khavliuk’s ideas throughout his scientific career. His later works demonstrate a more critical approach to established theories and a deeper understanding of the complexity of cultural interactions in craft development. Although P. Khavliuk’s works contain a deep analysis of many aspects of ancient crafts, he also pointed out the need for further research, particularly in the field of cultural influences and technological exchanges between different tribes and cultures.



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