DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-109-115


  • MARYNA DAVYDIUK Candidate of рedagogical sciences(Ph. D), associate professor of pedagogy, vocational education and management of educational institutions Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
  • DMYTRO MATIIUK Candidate of рedagogical sciences(Ph. D), associate professor of pedagogy, vocational education and management of educational institutions Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
  • SOPHIIA MUZYKA teacher of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University


Key words: bullying, educational process, adolescent aggression, anti-bullying policy, educational institution, victim behavior, social skills, responsibility.


The article presents the analysis of the problem of bullying in an educational institution. The most effective programs for preventing and overcoming bullying in educational institutions of European countries are considered. General recommendations on the application of foreign practices in domestic pedagogical institutions of higher education for the formation of future teachers' work skills in the prevention of bullying are presented. The key elements of effective anti-bullying programs are OBPP (Olweus Bullying Prevention Program), KiVa, Positive Action, Flemish School-Based Anti-Bullying Programme, Irish Nationwide Anti Bullying Programme, Steps to Respect, The Friendly Schools Project, S.S. GRIN-aimed at improving the relations of all participants in the educational process in general, due to the development of social skills among teachers, administrators, parents and other adults. These elements are the following: educational sessions for students and for teachers and school administration; training on teaching social adaptation skills for victims of bullying and for children in difficult life situations; printed educational materials (manuals, booklets, road maps) devoted to issues of legal, administrative and social responsibility for bullying in an educational institution and outside its boundaries; role-playing games, project activities, organization of discussion clubs for teenagers; development and implementation of an internal school policy regarding bullying, control of school and pre-school territories. When organizing the educational process for future teachers, it is necessary to model such educational situations, during which comfortable conditions are created for unhindered communication with each other and with the teacher, trust relations are established, the content of the conversation becomes personally accepted, valuable for each of its participants. This can be achieved through the creation of didactic and communicative situations of interactive learning.

Recommendations for the professional training of future teachers for the prevention of bullying in an educational institution are presented, where relevant principles and forms of implementation of educational tasks are emphasized: the principle of a contextual approach to learning; the principle of system approach; the principle of modularity of educational classes’ content. The most effective forms of conducting educational classes are the following: master classes, workshops, social and psychological trainings. Methods and techniques of future teachers’ training in bullying prevention strategies in an educational institution are the following: case studies, role-playing and business games, simulation modeling, web quests, discussions, dramatization games, which allow students of higher educational establishments to acquire the appropriate amount of psychological and pedagogical knowledge to identify various manifestations of bullying among schoolchildren and diagnosis of specific features of children who are victims of bullying.



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