


state certification of masters, comprehensive state examination, quality assurance of state certification, examination tasks


 The qualitative level of professionalism of the future teacher depends to a large extent on the integral provision of his high-quality general pedagogical training, an important means of verification and assessment of which is state certification. Reaching its quality level requires setting concrete and real tasks and clearly defining the principles that contribute to the success of training. Relying on them creates favorable conditions for the motivated inclusion of higher education seekers in systematic active work aimed at acquiring knowledge throughout the academic year, deepening and systematizing it before reaching the finish line, which ends with state certification. During the preparation and conduct of state certification, a special role belongs to the principle of orientation to the quality of education, the essence of which is expressed through the priority of quality, interest in quality, clear setting of goals and objectives for quality assurance, departure from established stereotypes aimed mainly at quantitative indicators, formation of a culture of quality , motivation of quality-oriented teachers and students, development of a strategy for continuous quality improvement. The comprehensive state exam requires mandatory compliance with the rules: informational and psychological preparation of students for the exam; the connection of the current internal pedagogical control of higher education institutions with the unified branch system of certification and licensing of specialists; compliance with the requirements of secrecy during the reproduction of tasks and tasks, their storage and use. The complex of examination tasks reflects the main components of the content of higher education, which the future teacher of a higher educational institution masters in the process of master's training, namely: 1) the level of mastery of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical knowledge is checked on the basis of a detailed answer to an open question from general pedagogical disciplines; 2) the acquisition of experience in research and creative activity is checked on the basis of the performance of a practical task, which allows you to correlate theoretical knowledge with the conditions of a specific situation. The choice of this form of practical task is due to the fact that it gives an opportunity to assess the significance of theoretical knowledge and its practical necessity; check the level of pedagogical thinking and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in solving pedagogical situations.

Author Biography


Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy,

Professional Education and Management

of Educational Institutions of Vinnytsia

Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,

Ostrozkoho Str. 32, Vinnytsia


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