The formation of the cognitive component of students' professional thinking in the context of digital transformation of higher education


professional thinking, the structure of professional thinking, the cognitive component of professional thinking, digital transformation of higher education, ways of developing digital transformation in higher education

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The formation of the cognitive component of students’ professional thinking in the context of digital transformation of higher education. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(2), 41-50.


The article considers the ways of forming the cognitive component of students' professional thinking in the context of digital transformation of higher education. European trends that affect the quality of educational services are highlighted; attention is focused on the problems of globalisation, the use of artificial intelligence and robotics, the use of cloud technologies, which together affect the nature of human life and the peculiarities of the development of educational institutions. Among the newest ways to solve these problems, the article highlights the following: creation of a digital educational environment for professional training of specialists competitive in the employment market. It is proved that digital transformation is of great importance in the globalised world, and the modernisation of education is aimed at solving the latest global problems. The article identifies the following modern trends in information development that influence the process of digitalisation of education: development of artificial intelligence, "machine learning", neural networks; further development of mobile-oriented tools; widespread introduction of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies; the development of cloud computing and virtualisation technologies, cloud computing technologies; the development of augmented reality and virtual reality; widespread introduction of chatbots and virtual assistants, etc. The article considers the trends of digitalisation of the educational environment in higher education institutions in Germany and Austria, including digital ecosystems, which in the form of open learning systems offer the latest design structure for using the possibilities of modern digitalisation in the network economy. It is proved that SMART-education provides new opportunities related to the use of e-learning technologies; ensures mobility and accessibility of educational information; allows the format of autonomy of the teacher and students using mobile devices in the educational process; makes it possible to provide flexible educational services in terms of individual capabilities of the master's student; provides support for individual programmes for the personal development of each student.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Olha Akimova, Dmytro Matiiuk, Maksym Diachenko


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