The article presents a comprehensive study of modern approaches to developing professional thinking in future teachers, which is a critical prerequisite for ensuring the quality of pedagogical activity amidst contemporary educational challenges. Particular attention is paid to analyzing foreign experiences in teacher education, which emphasize the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience, the application of innovative teaching methods, and the use of digital technologies. The study examines teacher education models in Finland, Germany, and the United States, highlighting diverse yet complementary approaches to fostering professional thinking. The Finnish model emphasizes deep integration of theory with practice through school internships, enabling future teachers to gain practical experience and develop reflective thinking. The German model focuses on reflective practices through maintaining pedagogical diaries and participating in seminars. The U.S. model prioritizes case-based methods and problem-based learning, fostering critical and creative thinking skills. It has been established that the effectiveness of pedagogical activity largely depends on a teacher's ability to critically analyze information, reflect on their actions, generate new ideas, and apply creative approaches to solving educational tasks. These competencies are fundamental components of professional thinking, which is shaped through interdisciplinary approaches, the use of digital tools, and the integration of modern educational methodologies. The article also outlines practical recommendations for adapting foreign practices to the Ukrainian teacher education system. These include extending the duration of pedagogical internships, integrating reflective seminars and discussions, widely implementing case-based methods in curricula, and using digital platforms and simulators to model real-world teaching scenarios. Special attention is given to the role of international cooperation in developing professional thinking among future teachers. Experience exchange, joint projects, and the integration of innovative practices contribute to the modernization of teacher education in Ukraine and its integration into the global educational landscape. Implementing these recommendations will enhance the preparation of highly qualified educators capable of addressing the challenges of modern education, introducing innovations, and fostering key competencies in their students.
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