Current e-learning trends in German and Austrian higher education institutes


e-learning, e-learning trends, online courses, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), higher education institutions in Germany and Austria

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Current e-learning trends in German and Austrian higher education institutes. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(2), 7-14.


The article delves into contemporary e-learning trends within the higher education landscape of Germany and Austria. It scrutinizes the adoption of electronic tools such as AI-driven online courses, virtual and augmented reality, and microlearning. These digital technologies are strategically employed in universities and polytechnic institutes to enhance educational quality and broaden knowledge accessibility. Particularly, the utilization of virtual and augmented reality technologies is prevalent, offering students immersive experiences with real-world scenarios and 3D models, thereby enhancing comprehension of intricate concepts. A pivotal aspect of e-learning implementation is the ability to tailor learning pathways to individual needs. E-learning transcends traditional educational paradigms, enabling students to pursue higher education from any location worldwide, catering to the needs of those studying abroad or concurrently working. Adaptive learning systems, underpinned by AI, facilitate the creation of personalized learning schemes, accommodating diverse learning styles and paces. The authors underscore the significance of these trends in augmenting education's accessibility and efficacy. The integration of contemporary technologies into the educational milieu is imperative for enhancing educational quality and broadening learning horizons within the modern educational landscape. Current trends underscore the evolution of e-learning towards greater flexibility, personalization, engagement, and interactivity, thereby democratizing access to education across diverse demographics and offering enhanced educational outcomes in the digital era. Incorporating modern technologies into educational practices emerges as a requisite element of contemporary education, presenting novel opportunities for students and educational institutions to advance and refine the educational experience.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Nataliia Lazarenko, Yana Hapchuk


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