Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 4 (2024)
Physical culture, physical education of different population groups

Characteristics of the readiness of future physical education teachers for physical education and recreational work according to the cognitive-knowledge criterion

Svirshchuk Nataliia
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi
Galenin Roman
International European University

Published 2024-12-26


  • health preservation, health formation, competency-based approach, theoretical training, physical education, professional education

How to Cite

Characteristics of the readiness of future physical education teachers for physical education and recreational work according to the cognitive-knowledge criterion. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 4, 7-18.


Relevance. Knowledge serves as a basis for the formation of practical skills. Since knowledge is the basis of theoretical readiness in general and for the performance of physical culture and recreation work in particular, the task is to identify the level of students’ awareness of this type of activity as a qualitative indicator of the preparation of future physical culture teachers for work in educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness of future physical culture teachers for physical culture and recreation work at school according to the indicators of the cognitive-knowledge criterion. Material and methods of the study. The study involved 638 students of the institutes (faculties) of physical education and sports of the 3rd–4th years of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical analysis of literature and Internet sources, testing the level of knowledge. Results of the study. Diagnostic examination of the theoretical readiness of future teachers for physical culture and recreation work allowed us to conclude that the cognitive-knowledge criterion of students’ readiness for physical culture and recreation work (PhRW) is insufficiently formed. A very small part of the tested future teachers (15.6 %) are aware of the essence of PhRW and the functions of the teacher in the process of its implementation. A significant part (32.4 %) does not even have an idea about this type of pedagogical activity and with some difficulty foresees the probable functions of the teacher in it. They did not record proper awareness of modern forms, methods, techniques, and means of PhRW in school conditions. Only 9.4 % of the surveyed were able to offer correct answers to test questions related to this aspect. 35.9 % did not cope with test tasks on knowledge of the methodology of organizing PhRW. The situation is somewhat better with knowledge of physical culture and sports. At a high level, 21.3 % completed tests in this area, and at a low level – 33.7 %. Conclusions. Analysis of the test results revealed a lack of systematicity and insufficient depth of physical education and sports knowledge; limited knowledge of methods and techniques for analyzing the physical condition of schoolchildren; insufficient awareness of modern methods and forms of physical education and recreational work. The determined level of knowledge of the graduating students made it possible to navigate complex theoretical issues, which should be considered in more detail in the future.


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