No. 2 (2024)
Innovative approaches to training specialists in preschool and primary education

Formation of creative thinking of future primary school teachers by means of project activities
Natalka Kotelianets
Antonina Kushnir

Published 2024-12-19


  • creative thinking, project, project activity, means of project activity

How to Cite

Formation of creative thinking of future primary school teachers by means of project activities. (2024). Innovations in Preschool and Primary Education, 2, 57-67.


The article examines the particulars of developing creative thinking in prospective primary school teachers through project-based activities. The theoretical and practical aspects of project activities for future primary school teachers are the focus of this analysis. This article examines the process of fostering creative thinking in prospective primary school educators through project-based learning within the university setting. This paper puts forward a series of proposals aimed at enhancing the motivation of higher education students to engage in creative thinking through project-based activities. It has been demonstrated that the cultivation of creative thinking in prospective primary school teachers necessitates the implementation of project-based activities, encompassing the utilization of structural and logical diagrams, reference signal sheets, intelligence cards, scratch drawings, and sketch notes. The pedagogical experience of using project activities in general secondary education institutions is analyzed, and effective project activity tools are identified. These tools include a service for creating a convenient, visual, easily manageable incentive system with different roles and levels of access; services for creating virtual tours; services for creating quizzes, tests, flash cards with the ability of students to choose their own learning trajectory; as well as a service for creating tests, quizzes, matching exercises, exercises to restore order, exercises to fill in percentages, and so forth. The findings of the study suggest the necessity for the integration of project-based technologies within the pedagogical process of educational institutions, which will facilitate the development of creative thinking skills in future primary school teachers. It must be acknowledged that the study does not provide a complete account of this issue. Consequently, further research is required to develop comprehensive educational programmes


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