Semantic features and the grammatical structure of phraseological unitswith components byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf) 2023-12-20
- phraseological unit, components of byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf) semantics of phraseology, component composition, structural-grammatical types, syntactic functions
Copyright (c) 2023 Юрій Прадід
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Introduction. The article examines the peculiarities of semantics and grammatical organization of phraseological units (further – PUs) with the components of byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf). It is noted that both phraseological macro- and microsystems in Ukrainian linguistics began to be intensively studied only in the late XX-early XXI centuries (see, for example, works by N. F. Grozyan, O. O. Kartamyshev, O. A. Moroz, M. I. Pelypasya, Y. F. Pradid, P. O. Redin, etc.).
The source base of actual material for the analysis was interpreted and phraseological dictionaries of the Ukrainian language, Internet sites, as well as the author's own phraseological card file (26 PUs are subject to analysis), the theoretical and methodological basis of the investigation – the works of Ukrainian linguists, in which individual phraseological micro- and macro-systems were studied.
Purpose. The purpose of the proposed article is to investigate the place of the PUs microsystem with the components of byk byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf) in the Ukrainian phraseology, to describe the semantics features, grammatical organization representing this microsystem.
Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks: 1) to isolate the microsystem of PUs with the components of byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), korova (cow), telya (calf) from the phraseological composition of the Ukrainian language; 2) describe the peculiarities of the semantics of such PUs; 3) investigate the grammatical structure of the PUs of this microsystem.
Methods. The descriptive method and its main methods are used as the main ones in the article: inventory and systematization of language material in synchrony. The work of Ukrainian linguists, who researched the surnames of the residents of Ukraine is the theoretical and methodological basis of the investigation.
Result. The analysis of the PUs with the components of byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf) gave grounds to summarize: 1. The microsystem of the PUs with the components of byk (bull) (vil (ox), buhai (bull)), cow (korova), telya (calf) is relatively small, but rather diverse in its semantic features and grammatical organization; 2. Such PUs, as well as the phraseological system of the Ukrainian language in general, are characterized by the phenomena of polysemy, synonymy, and variation; 3. The largest PUs of this microsystem was formed with the components vil (4 forms of the component, 12 PUs), telya (3 forms of the component, 7 PUs), the smallest – with the components of the buhai (1 form of the component, 1 PUs); 4. Almost all syntactic structures characteristic of the phraseological composition of the Ukrainian language in general are represented in the microsystem of the with the components of byk (vil, buhai), korova, telya: a) PUs, correlative with a subordinating phrase: bykam khvosty krutyty (it was either that or tipping cows), robyty z mukhy vola (buhaia) (don't make a mountain out of a molehill), diina korova (cash cow), etc.; b) PUs related to the comparative inflection: buhai u boloti (loud), yak vil pid obukhom (be indifferent), yak telia v narytnyku (be proud), etc.; c) PUs, correlative to a simple sentence, both monosyllabic: vola b ziv (hungry), and two-syllable: byk na vukho ratytseiu nastupyv (have a tin ear), u Boha telia ziv (be the worst), etc., as well as the subjunctive part of a compound sentence: de Makar teliat ne pas (ot far as the crow flies), yak korova yazykom zlyzala (to disappear), nache chornyi vil na nohu nastupyv (sad), etc.; 5. PUs with the component sky can appear in a sentence as a predicate (simple verb, compound noun, compound verb), circumstance; 6. Semantic features and grammatical peculiarities of such PUs should be a subject to run a separate investigation in comparative aspect.
Originality. A cursory review of the scientific works of Ukrainian scientists gave reason to conclude that from PU with the components of byk (vil, buhai), korova, telya were not studied in the Ukrainian linguistic science, even in connection with the study of other problems.
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