No. 39 (2024)
Modern media language

Structural and stylistic features of sentences with separated meanings in the language of modern Ukrainian newspapers
Inna Zavalniuk

Published 2025-01-23


  • syntactic unit, sentence member, separation phenomenon, separated meaning, simple sentence, new trend, functional and stylistic expression, expressive syntax, language of modern Ukrainian newspapers

How to Cite

Structural and stylistic features of sentences with separated meanings in the language of modern Ukrainian newspapers. (2025). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: Philology (Linguistics), 39, 76-86.


The study of the phenomenon of separation is quite old, traditional and established in the modern theory of syntax. Studying the works of scientists proves that today there is no single approach to the study of separation, because the presence of different aspects - formal-syntactic, semantic-syntactic, communicative - makes it impossible. The most recent works of other linguists concern the delineation of the grammatical status of simple complex sentences in the syntax of the modern Ukrainian language, the theoretical and methodological principles of separation, the clarification of the conditions for the separation of syntaxes in the structure of a simple complex sentence, etc. However, the study of this logical-linguistic and speech syntactic phenomenon in various style texts, in particular in newspaper and journalistic texts, remains out of researchers’ attention, because this style is the fastest reacting to everything new that occurs in the language under the influence of external and internal factors. The purpose of the article is to analyze a simple sentence with separate meanings in its composition, to clarify the structural-semantic and stylistic features of such sentences in the language of modern Ukrainian newspaper periodicals. The main research methods were the descriptive and observational methods, which were used to differentiate the structural-semantic varieties of syntactic units, as well as the functional analysis method - to determine their stylistic load. Results. The article analyzes simple sentences with separate meanings in their composition, elucidates the structural, semantic and stylistic features of such sentences in the language of modern Ukrainian newspaper periodicals. The latest illustrative material demonstrates the dependence of the choice, content, and structuring of separate meanings on communicative and pragmatic needs: the journalist's intentions, transformations in Ukrainian society, the needs of updated social communication in modern living conditions. Emphasis is placed on revealing the specifics of the functioning of separated units, clarifying how different types and methods of complicating the content and structure of a simple sentence are related to each other by means of separation in specific statements. Conclusion. Separation is a kind of semantic and syntactic complication of a simple elementary sentence. Intonation serves as an expression of separation. Separated parts of a sentence are characterized by greater semantic weight in the structure of a simple complex sentence than unseparated ones, because an important thought or its essential element is always actualized by a separated part of a sentence. In the language of modern Ukrainian newspapers, we can trace various types of separations: agreed adjectival and non-agreed meanings, adjectival inflections, verbs and adjectival inflections. New trends in the functional and stylistic use of sentences with separate meanings in the language of modern Ukrainian periodicals have been witnessed: to the chain arrangement (contact or remote) of separate meanings, often different in the way of expression; to chain combinations of separations of different members of the sentence; to the use of large sentence structures, in which, in addition to separation, there is homogeneity of sentence members; to the penetration of separate meanings, expressed by adjectival inflections, into the headline complexes of modern Ukrainian newspapers. The stylistics of separated meanings in media texts is distinctly individualized, caused by the desire of journalists to save expressions, testify to the variety of expressions of the same thought, bring an element of the new into the syntactic synonymy of the Ukrainian language, and enrich the expressive means of the language system.


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