The article is highlighted the views of a talented linguist, church figure, publicist, poet, prose writer I. Hubarzhevsky (1905-1970) on the principles of the revival and development of the Ukrainian state. The main milestones of the life of I. Hubarzhevsky are revealed, in particular, some aspects of his activity in emigration in Great Britain and the USA. It was emphasized that Hubarzhevsky remained true to the idea of an independent Ukrainian state throughout his life. In his writings, which are inherent in the national-patriotic orientation, he touched on pressing issues of socio-political issues, thinking them on the basis of Christian ethics. I. Hubarzhevsky expressed his views on the revival and development of the Ukrainian state in the articles in various emigrant publications, mainly published in 1957-1968 not claiming to be an exhaustive program of state formation. In it are highlighted the understanding of I. Hubarzhevsky's democratic principles of the political structure of the Ukrainian state, application of the principles of social justice in it are highlighted. Also the views of I. Hubarzhevsky are show on socio-cultural aspects of the Ukrainian idea, leading in which he saw the development of spirituality, education and upbringing. The conclusions noted that the ideal of I. Hubarzhevsky was a democratic state with a developed civil society. The author considered the principle of catholicity an important basis of state formation, called for national and ideological unity of the Ukrainian nation, which can be achieved only in conditions of free social development of the population of different Ukraine’s parts. I. Hubarzhevsky stressed the importance of ensuring social justice, religious tolerance, creating a modern education system in the Ukrainian state. I. Hubarzhevsky's views are based on the combination of traditional Ukrainian spirituality with the modern political and economic achievements of Western countries. Nowadays, some ideas of I. Hubarzhevsky may be considered conservative, but many of them remain relevant.
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