The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the overthrow of the hetman's authorities and the beginning of the institutions of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the eastern part of the Podіlska province in the second half of November – beginning of December 1918. The methodological basis of the research consists of research principles of historicism, scientificity, objectivity, general scientific methods: (historical and logical) and special historical methods (narrative and problem-chronological). The scientific novelty of the article is determined primarily by the formulation of the research topic and the complex use of various sources and special works on the problem, which allowed the authors to objectively approach the analysis of the overthrow of the Hetmanate and the establishment of the UPR Directory in eastern Podillya. Conclusions. At the end of November – beginning of December 1918 in the eastern part of the Podillia province was the overthrow of the Ukrainian State administration and the establishment of power of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The Hetmanate's mistakes in domestic and foreign policy, the lack of a sufficient social base, and the weakness of the security forces made the Ukrainian government vulnerable to radical action. The leading role in overthrowing the Hetman and establishing republican power belonged to former members of the Central Council, nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia and cooperators united in local branches of the Ukrainian National Union, patriotic oriented military and the majority of the population - the peasantry. Eastern Podillya became one of the first Ukraine’s regions where the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic was established. It was important for its approval to eliminate the attempt of the russian white guards to gain a foothold in some counties of Podillya. Eventually, when Vinnytsia was chosen as the temporary seat of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the eastern part of Podillya became an important springboard in establishing a new Ukrainian republican government throughout the country.
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