Yosyp Maievskyi is the organizer of the rebel movement in Podillia in 1918-1919
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anti-Hetman rebellion, Khotyn rebellion, Mayevsky, insurgent movement, Podillya province

How to Cite

Levchuk, D. (2019). Yosyp Maievskyi is the organizer of the rebel movement in Podillia in 1918-1919. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 28, 59-64. https://doi.org/10.31652/2411-2143-2019-28-59-64


The article attempts to uncover obscure episodes of the rebel movement in Podillia in late 1919 - early 1919. and display the activities of the former member of the Ukrainian Central Rada Josyp Albinovich Mayevsky with the organization of the antihetman uprising in 1918 and the Khotyn uprising in 1919 in Northern Bessarabia.

During the whole time of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921, the rebel movement played a significant role in Podillya. The mass rebel movement contributed to the fact that the Podillya province was one of the first to establish the authority of the Directory, the activities of the rebels contributed to the destruction of the Bolshevik regime in 1919, at its final stages, the Bolsheviks had to make significant efforts to win. The beginning of the rebel movement in Podillya can be safely considered in 1917, when Podillya started fighting between peasants and Polish legionnaires, and the ending was lost in the mid-1920s, when he became sabotageous as a result of a long confrontation with the Bolsheviks.

Despite the considerable interest of the researchers in the course and the personalities of the leaders of the rebel movement in Podillya, there are certain gaps in his study. Insufficiently studied are the origins, the course, as a peasant rebel movement during the Hetmanate of Skoropadsky in 1918, and the anti-Bolshevik rebel movement of spring and summer 1919.

In light of the above, the author in his article attempts to reveal the little-known episodes of the rebel movement in Podillya in late 1918 - early 1919, through the prism of the former member of the Ukrainian Central Council, Joseph Albinovich Mayevsky, in organizing the anti-Hetman uprising in 1918 and armed protest against Romanian troops in January 1919, known in historiography as the Khotyn uprising.

The biography of this person, his participation in the revolutionary movement before 1917, the circumstances of his arrival in Ukraine in March 1917 are shown. His activities with the organization of the insurgency in 1918-1919 are shown. on the territory of Podillya. It was concluded that I. Mayevsky was sent to Podillya from the Ukrainian National Union or from the Ukrainian Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries with the goal of organizing a counter-insurgency uprising and that his actions produced a Khotyn uprising against the Romanian troops, moreover, he acted for everything on the instructions of the Ukrainian Left Social Revolutionaries.

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