The purpose of the article is to cover certain aspects of everyday life in Kyiv during the period of Hetman P. Skoropadskyi based on the memoirs of O. Goldenweiser – a well-known lawyer and public figure of the time. The methodology of the research is based on the fundamental principles of scientific knowledge of dialectics and determinism and also scientific – historicism and objectivity. Anthropological, systemic and historical-situational approaches were used to reveal the topic, as well as general scientific (general methods of analysis and synthesis, descriptive-narrative, induction and deduction), special and interdisciplinary methods of scientific research (historical-comparative, historical-typological). Scientific novelty of the work lies in the critical analysis of O. Goldenweiser's memoirs as an important historical source for the study of Kyiv everyday life of Ukrajinsjka Derzhava in 1918. Conclusions. O. Goldenweiser's memoirs contain a lot of cognitive and meaningful material about the everyday history of Kyiv in the period of the study. They repeatedly mention the huge impact on the life of the city of the military contingent from Germany and Austria-Hungary, which the most of kyivans considered as occupation. Throughout almost the entire period of P. Skoropadsky's rule (April – October 1918) Kyiv had a reputation as a safe city for the presence of foreign people, and it was very attractive to those former subjects of the Russian Empire who ran away from Bolshevik terror. As a result, the capital of the Ukrajinsjka Derzhava was literally suffocating from overcrowding – it was almost impossible to find a free apartment at that time. Under such conditions, the socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects of urban everyday life revived sharply. This, for example, found expression in the trade sphere, in particular in its "dark side" – the unprecedented growth of speculation – and in the overcrowding of local cultural and entertainment establishments.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History